
3 full days left of being home. The Lord continues to pave this path I am walking on. I am constantly surprised, prepared and not alone for each step He calls me to make! 

This has, by far been such an exciting walk and adventure! The downside is too many see ya laters each day! NO BUENO! Why can't we have one big party to get it over with! Haven't cried once yet...teared up a bit reading letters but that's pretty much it! A clear sign that the Lord is preparing me! I hate goodbyes and am super emotional when it comes to them! 

One of the coolest things has been the opportunity to share my story and this walk with people that don't know Jesus!! Literally each day He has placed someone in my life to share!! Another reminder to me that this whole opportunity has nothing to do with me! I'm just here to serve the Lord and be obedient! This excites me more than anything!! He has given me no control!!

I also have so many cool stories about the way the Lord is providing financially, but I will send that update in a few days!!! 



Last day in the office!
Weird that I won't spend my life transporting info on napkins into spreadsheets, won't get looks at the store for buying random objects or 15 gallons of OJ and 100 pounds of pancake mix and won't be comforting middle school parents through letting their child leave home for camp!

What have I learned?
Boomerangs, hula hoops and marbles are a seasonal item! How do I know? Searching the 239 for them when they're not in season for a Wednesday night game!
Ministry is hard! Persecution and attack accompany it. Clinging to the Lord, remembering who you're really serving, perseverance, having honest and hard conversations, prayer, and accountability get you through.
It has been worth every minute.

Thankful that the Lord has molded me during this time!
 Excited for this next journey in my life, but will miss the students and leaders terribly!

Proverbs 16:9


10 first thoughts today!

1) I can't breathe through my nose.

2) It's my last week of work.

3) Training Debbie this week and she is doing an incredible job. :)

4) All my stuff from my office fits in to a small box just like the movies!!

5) I only have 10% of my funds in and I leave in two weeks. Not sweating it. The Lord knows my needs more than I do! :)

6) Had the sweetest weekend hangin with good friends :) so blessed! Lots of see ya laters happening!

7) Praying for an exposed heart today. I don't want anything to keep me or distract me from knowing Jesus.

8) I wish I could breathe through my nose. I'm feeling like a heavy mouth breather.

9) Someone put Justin Bieber in my office and it's nice to have some company!

10) I need coffee!


sweet day :)


I am a lover of many things.

I love to be busy
love to be around people
love to laugh
love an adventure
love coffee
love music
love to read
love to be outside
love road trips
love to write
love to be creative
love to decorate/ design and so on.

The past week I have gotten so caught up in the things I enjoy and the desire to be constantly entertained. 

I then realized that I can be entertained all day long and still not be satisfied.

I spend too much time pouring my heart and time into the things I love rather than the one I love. So today, my desire and prayer is that the Lord would teach me and mold me in this area of my life! I want to be motivated to do things because of my love for Him instead the the things I simply love!

He is holy-worthy of my all, my attention and my soul's affection.


What Kind of Tweeter are you?

I like to put people in categories.. Figure them out by their behavior and habits. Weird, I know! This kind of stuff keeps me way too amused! Maybe I'm not the only one! Just my thoughts on some of the people I follow :) ....

Attention Tweeter- Does everyone of your tweets translate into notice me? Are you a name dropper? Do you use your twitter as free self promotion / PR? If so, you are an official Attention Tweeter. Congratulations, I wish you many replies, retweets, and follows...May they give you the boost of confidence you need to carry on and go places!

Siamese Twin Tweeter- A Siamese Twin Tweeter gives you no choice but to know every detail of their life and then some without you asking for it! Pretty much you feel like you are unfortunately attached at the forehead. Example: woke up at 6:15, dove into God's word with a splash while drinking a cup of coffee. Then went to run some errands. Took a quick nap and now I'm going to weed the garden... you get where I'm going with this?? :)

The P.S Tweeter- We all follow a P.S Tweeter and I can sometimes be one as well. Every tweet translates into a side note..Not too interesting and of not much importance...just there.

Obsessive Tweeter- The Obsessive Tweeter a) has no friends b) needs to get their words in for the day c) therefore, they use twitter as an outlet d) they need a BFF.

Anger Outlet Tweeter- Raise your hand if your first reaction of frustration is a tweet! I crack up when a friend uses twitter as an outlet for their frustration rather then actually talking to who their frustrated with! Especially when you can take a good guess at who it is!! I'm tempted too often to retweet with the name of the person I think they're upset with!

Presidential Address Tweeter- Do you plan out your tweets days in advance? Prepare them as if you're addressing the nations with much importance? You could be a Presidential Tweeter! Although I don't quite understand your ways, I appreciate them. Keep on keeping on. Maybe we'll quote or publish your tweets one day you smarty pants!!

Creeper / Tweeter= Creeter // Don't be that guy that reads everyone of the ladies tweets and quotes stuff back to them like it was their Idea... Example: Girl's tweet: Such a beautiful day on the beach, I will live here one day!  Guy brings up in convo later that day.. "Such a beautiful day today. Sure wish I lived at the beach." WEIRDY!!! This has happened to my friends and I way too many times! Don't be that guy!! :)


Anchored in Love

This is my soul's song today. What sweet words for a beautiful Saviour!

i've found a sweet haven of sunshine at last,
and Jesus abiding above,

His dear arms around me are lovingly cast
and sweetly He tells His love
the tempest is o'er

i'm safe evermore

what gladness what rapture is mine
the danger is past
i'm anchored at last
i'm anchored in Love divine

He saw me endangered and lovingly came
to quiet my storm-beaten soul
sweet words He has spoken and bless His dear name
the billows no longer roll

His love shall control me through life and in death
completely I'll trust to the end
i'll praise Him forever and with my last breath
i'll sing of my soul's Best Friend

i'm anchored in Love divine

Watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb7n8CZhqOI