
10 first thoughts today!

1) I can't breathe through my nose.

2) It's my last week of work.

3) Training Debbie this week and she is doing an incredible job. :)

4) All my stuff from my office fits in to a small box just like the movies!!

5) I only have 10% of my funds in and I leave in two weeks. Not sweating it. The Lord knows my needs more than I do! :)

6) Had the sweetest weekend hangin with good friends :) so blessed! Lots of see ya laters happening!

7) Praying for an exposed heart today. I don't want anything to keep me or distract me from knowing Jesus.

8) I wish I could breathe through my nose. I'm feeling like a heavy mouth breather.

9) Someone put Justin Bieber in my office and it's nice to have some company!

10) I need coffee!

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