
What Kind of Tweeter are you?

I like to put people in categories.. Figure them out by their behavior and habits. Weird, I know! This kind of stuff keeps me way too amused! Maybe I'm not the only one! Just my thoughts on some of the people I follow :) ....

Attention Tweeter- Does everyone of your tweets translate into notice me? Are you a name dropper? Do you use your twitter as free self promotion / PR? If so, you are an official Attention Tweeter. Congratulations, I wish you many replies, retweets, and follows...May they give you the boost of confidence you need to carry on and go places!

Siamese Twin Tweeter- A Siamese Twin Tweeter gives you no choice but to know every detail of their life and then some without you asking for it! Pretty much you feel like you are unfortunately attached at the forehead. Example: woke up at 6:15, dove into God's word with a splash while drinking a cup of coffee. Then went to run some errands. Took a quick nap and now I'm going to weed the garden... you get where I'm going with this?? :)

The P.S Tweeter- We all follow a P.S Tweeter and I can sometimes be one as well. Every tweet translates into a side note..Not too interesting and of not much importance...just there.

Obsessive Tweeter- The Obsessive Tweeter a) has no friends b) needs to get their words in for the day c) therefore, they use twitter as an outlet d) they need a BFF.

Anger Outlet Tweeter- Raise your hand if your first reaction of frustration is a tweet! I crack up when a friend uses twitter as an outlet for their frustration rather then actually talking to who their frustrated with! Especially when you can take a good guess at who it is!! I'm tempted too often to retweet with the name of the person I think they're upset with!

Presidential Address Tweeter- Do you plan out your tweets days in advance? Prepare them as if you're addressing the nations with much importance? You could be a Presidential Tweeter! Although I don't quite understand your ways, I appreciate them. Keep on keeping on. Maybe we'll quote or publish your tweets one day you smarty pants!!

Creeper / Tweeter= Creeter // Don't be that guy that reads everyone of the ladies tweets and quotes stuff back to them like it was their Idea... Example: Girl's tweet: Such a beautiful day on the beach, I will live here one day!  Guy brings up in convo later that day.. "Such a beautiful day today. Sure wish I lived at the beach." WEIRDY!!! This has happened to my friends and I way too many times! Don't be that guy!! :)