
So thankful that there is never a dull moment! Always a lot of life to live and a lot of laughter to be had!

Russian Boys have arrived! 4 of them ages 11-13.

One mullet and one curly rat tail are represented among the 4 of them!

They don't speak English, so we are all thankful for the itranslate!

Their first words to me were "we are very glad to see you!"

Their time zone is way off, so they were doing acrobatic activity in their room at 2:00am while speaking 100 miles a minute. Sounds exactly like you would imagine...like a lot of spitting is going on!

I just laid in my bed and laughed listening to them until 3am! Funny kids and full of energy. When they woke up this morning it sounded like a stampede in the hallway!

Here's to a good two weeks! May we have countless opportunities to live out the Gospel while they are with us!

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