
Pirate Fest '10!

Only my hometown would have a Pirate Festival! It was their 5th annual one and my first! What a delight it was, an explosion of slur talkin crazies.

Between this guy not letting go of my hip or huffy's hair, I regret ever getting this picture!
 They were everywhere! On the beach, in elevators, the stairwells, dining out, riding bikes, in cars, in the bathrooms, and on stage singing. Yes, everywhere! Not sure one could ever get used to seeing a sight like that!
 He was my favorite! He must live for this weekend, and I think we're the same height! That's a first!
Guy friends made me take this pic, and I will be sure to never take their advice again! I felt like I had escaped a sweaty pit after this pic. Nast!

Everyone should attend a pirate festival in their life! So much fun! 

Another cross of the list for me! 


Anonymous said...

- kristi

lamiss ibrahim said...

افضل موقع متخصص في العقارات في المملكه العربيه السعوديه