

Where do I even begin?...

First of all, this wasn't really a trip I could afford. When I had first heard about it my immediate reaction was... I really feel like i'm supposed to go, but I need to save that money. The Lord really smacked me in the face for that one!! Where is the faith in that??!! haha

Well, God is so faithful even when I am faithless!!! He provided the exact amount of money needed for the trip. Not a penny more or a penny less! Such an incredible way to leave for the trip! It was a great reminder that He is my provider :)

That being said....I went to Guatemala with the most amazing group of people. Their hearts are so hungry for God and their love for Him and others is so passionate and inspiring :) I really enjoyed spending time with each person there!!

The purpose of our trip to Guatemala was to help Pastor Diego with his ministry! We were able to build two houses, do our ministry skits, and bring baskets of food to families!

Our group was able to meet with each family that we were going to be building houses for before hand. It was heartbreaking to see how these families had been living. I'll go into a little more detail when I put pictures up....

The construction was pretty hardcore....mostly the first day. We had to carry concrete blocks up a mountain! Good times. I think one of the things I really enjoyed about the trip was being able to spend the week with the family that we were building the home for. Normally on mission trips your traveling around so much, and you never get the opportunity to really build a relationship with the people. Not only were we able to build more of a relationship with them but we also were able to see what their daily life is like.

During the trip, the Lord really taught me a lot! I was praying the whole week to understand what it really means to live in constant hunger for more of Him. It is long journey but an exciting one :) The more He reveals himself to me the less I want to have anything to do with myself and the worldly things I have desired.

I will put pictures up soon!!